To date, I've talked about the importance of sites based on a tight theme and how you don't want to try and cover a hundred unrelated topics on one website. SmartPricing does not treat you well when you have unrelated topics on the same site.
However, there is something else that seems to defy logic that will often improve your AdSense earnings:
Remove AdSense from off your pages.
Woah! REMOVE AdSense? How can you make more money FROM AdSense if you REMOVE it?
Ok, that's a bit dramatic. You obviously don't want to take AdSense off of all of your pages. But you do not want to be showing AdSense on pages that show very badly targetted ads, especially if those pages are getting a lot of traffic.
Remember that SmartPricing takes a number of things into account when figuring out how much you should earn per click, and remember that the conversion rate of your site is one of those things.
If AdSense is showing ads that aren't very relevant to your pages, then the clicks you're getting on those pages are going to be what I call "passive interest" clicks–clicks that are just out of curiosity and not out of a real desire to buy or a genuine interest in the product shown in the ad.
The more passive interest clicks you get, the lower your conversion rate will be, since these kinds of clicks rarely result in anybody buying anything. SmartPricing takes a look at your conversion rate, sees that it's low, and the next thing you know your earnings go DOWN even though you have MORE pages.
On the other hand, if you take AdSense off of those pages that aren't showing good, targeted ads, then the reverse hapens: your conversion rate goes up, SmartPricing takes note and increases your earnings per click accordingly.
It is very often the case that you will make more from SmartPricing liking all of your pages than from SmartPricing liking most of your pages and hating a few of the others.
This is one of the flaws in SmartPricing. It's not based on the performance of the individual page, but rather on the performance of the site as a whole (and some think it's based on the performance of your entire account).
In a perfect world, AdSense should take note of which pages are performing well or badly, and reward or penalize each individual page's earnings per click and not the entire site's. But that's not how it works, at least not now.
I just read a thread at a popular AdSense forum where a webmaster who gets 70,000 page views a day put AdSense on a section of his site where the ads shown weren't very targeted. He ran that way for a month and although the new section added 15,000 page views a day, his earnings actually DROPPED 20% over the month. Ouch.
So take a day and remove AdSense from the pages or sections of your site that tend to show badly targeted ads, and let it run that way for about two weeks.
If you see that your earnings rise, then goody for you! If your earnings go down, then SmartPricing either liked those pages for a reason other than the conversion rate (not likely), or your site as a whole is not liked by SmartPricing, and those pages alone were not the problem.
Lastly, if you put AdSense on a page or a section of your site and the ads showing are not well targeted, look out! Next time SmartPricing does it's calculation (which seems to happen about once a week), your earnings per click might plummet.
So watch those pages and those ads, and make sure they are helping, and not hurting, your bottom line.
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